Monday, August 18

Big Day

Ok, it has been a long time and a lot has happened. One weekend, I saw "Mama Mia!" with my mom. My parents went to Hawaii. I got to go to Arrington Vineyard for a friend's birthday (it was Chris' little brother Scott). Chris and I went to see the new Mummy movie on Saturday. We both liked it a lot. School has started. This past weekend we got the monstrosity of the desk out of our office and rearranged the bedroom. My parents came down yeaterday and Chris and my dad built a nightstand/dog bed for me. Friday we had 2 kids have seizures at school, but they were not serious enough to call an ambulance. Today, we had a 14-year-old have such a severe asthma attack that we did call an ambulance. We found out that it takes about 30 minutes to get one to the school. I was with the girl the whole time, along with the nursing teacher. I am not sure what would have happened if the EMTs had not shown up when they did. She was starting to pass out at that point. I will be honest when I say that it scared me to death when her eyes started rolling back and dialilating. Chris is good with this stuff, I don't know what I am doing! I was definately going on pure adrenaline for about an hour and a half. It was an exciting day. I really hope that she is going to be ok. What made this situation really bad is that we didn't even have an inhaler for this girl. Oh, and one of our teachers went to the ER (undiagnosed now) and another one's grandmother died. Eeehhhh...that's how it goes sometimes. I am going to bed now. I am tired. Hope everyone's week is uneventful!

Sunday, August 3

Funny story...

I just had a funny experience at Kroger. I take cloth bags with me when I shop. They hold more and don't rip. Plus, I am trying to be responsible. So, I bought a few groceries and the bagger was doing a good job putting them in my bag. I finished my transaction before the bagger was finished. I could tell the cashier was trying to hurry me out, so she "helped" by bagging some of my things in plastic. I wanted to look at her and ask if she missed the whole point of cloth bags. I just couldn't believe it! Some people.....