Tuesday, March 31

Time for another one!

Ok, so I don't get around to this very often, but I promise I read everyone's blogs! Things have been moving very quickly around here. Chris put a very nice roof over the swing that went in last fall. Now, the birds can't do their business on it! We have had our first two lawn mowings of the year and took the old swing to the dump. We have been talking about what to do with our kitchen next. I am thinking that I want either glass tiles or metal tiles as a backsplash. The metal tiles are cheaper, but I think the glass will be easier to clean. That is about it for the house. I began a yoga class at the Y last night. It is a weekly class on Mondays from 5:20 to 6:20. I had a really great time. It didn't feel like hard work, but I am really feeling it today! I think I am going to like it! My dad has been promoted to Leiutenant Colonel in the National Guard. My family is having him a pinning ceremony on April 11th in Greeneville at a Civil War-era inn. He has worked very hard for this and I am certainly proud of him. He has asked me to sing at his ceremony. That is a first for me. But, I am very proud to do it.

Work has been moving along. The kids and teachers are on Spring Break this week and next week. Maury Co. always plans spring break around Mule Day and it is Saturday. I have been desperatly trying to get rid of my last 8 tubs of cookie dough. (Not bad when you consider we started with 1900. :p ) I am getting so much accomplished now that it is just me and my bosses. I still have a few "big" items to do, but I keep trucking along! I am very fortunate to have the job that I do. I enjoy what I do and the people I work with. (And we are in the home stretch!)

Here's the BIG part of my blog. April 18th is our March for Babies walk. The Santa Fe School middle school Book Club has already raised $350 for this great cause. Now, I am enlisting you! A huge thank you goes to Steve & Peggie who have already donated. I have a website with the March of Dimes. This site takes credit cards and PayPal. IF YOU CAN DONATE ANYTHING, PLEASE HELP US OUT. If I remember correctly, 86 cents from every dollar goes directly to research and programs to help fight prematurity. The Book Club sponsor, Lori, had a premature son and my brother Charlie was premature. I really want to reach our school goal of $500. In any case, we will be out at 8am on a Saturday to walk 3.5 miles. If you can help out, please go to www.marchforbabies.org/aprilshore. I know that times are tough, so please don't feel guilty or pressured. I only want to do my best to raise money for this worthy organization. Thanks for letting me bend your ear a little. :)

I hope everyone is having a great week and is safe! Thanks to you all!

Tuesday, March 10

Sorry, no pics

I am at work right now with a VERY long in-service tonight. I will have to leave early to release the wild beagle, though. Things have been very crazy with us lately. My pre-audit on Feb. 25th went very well. Unfortunatly, that was also the day my dad went in for his shoulder surgery. I had to take a call while the auditor was here. The surgery went well, but the recovery did not. Chris went in to work on Thursday and got a vacation day, so we left for Morristown as soon as I got out of work. We got in late Thursday night and went to bed. Friday started off well. My dad's blood pressure was up a little as he went to physical therapy. He came back and we all went to my grandmother's house. While we were there, my dad's bp shot way up and he felt sick, so we went back home to let him rest. Friday night we ate a wonderful meal of homemade salmon patties and fish and then we watched movies. Saturday morning my mom woke me up by saying she was taking my dad to the ER. His bp had gone up and his chest was hurting. So, off to the ER we go. At first, the ER doc thought it was a clot. But, the test came back negative. They could not figure out why his bp was so high. My parents made the decision for him to be transported to Baptist Heart Center in Knoxville. So, in the car I go to get Chris and my brother Matt. Chris took the truck and headed back home so he could work on Sunday and I stayed behind and drove my mom's car. The weekend was a blur of driving I-40 and the hospital with no answers. Chris came back on Monday to pick me up. We just met at the hospital b/c it was closer for him. After all the tests and a weekend in the hospital, they still don't know why he suddenly has high blood pressure. Anyhooo.....we came back to Columbia on Monday night and I was back at work on Tuesday. The week went well, but busy. Our weather has been nuts. We still had snow on the ground Tuesday and it has been almost 80 every day since Friday. Tomorrow, it is forecasted to be a high of 49. No wonder so many are sick! What else? Oh yeah, Friday night my car got egged as I had parked it in the road. UUGGGHHHH!!! I went and ate Hawaiian with my family Saturday night. I had the "Poo Poos on the Flaming Poo". No joke. That was the name. And it was VERY good. Chris and I have been taking the dog on hikes through the park near our home while the weather has been nice. All in all, things are looking pretty good. Oh well. Hope everyone else is having a great week. Be prepared; my next blog is going to be my March of Dimes March for Babies blog! Thanks for reading!